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We’re an independent resource offering information about Mass General Brigham’s Patient Gateway. We’re not affiliated with them in any way, so think of us as your info guide, not a replacement for your doctor’s expertise.

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge, but remember, medical advice is always best from a qualified professional.

    For more information about our policies, refer to our Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions.

    A Letter from Curtis Wallace

    I'm Curtis Wallace, your trusted guide for navigating the MGH Patient Gateway. With a passion for providing seamless healthcare experiences and a background in patient support, I am committed to ensuring that your journey with MGH Patient Gateway is as smooth and convenient as possible.

    Whether you're a patient seeking access to medical records or a caregiver managing appointments, rest assured, I'm here to offer the assistance you need. From scheduling appointments to securely communicating with your healthcare team, I'm dedicated to helping you make the most out of your MGH Patient Gateway experience.

    Thank you for choosing MGH Patient Gateway, and I'm excited about the opportunity to assist you in making your healthcare journey effortless and empowering.

    Best regards, Curtis Wallace


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